Source : Cision

Section 1

The research report by Séjourné, Comeau and Malo (2023) provides a synthesis of current knowledge of natural hydrogen sources and occurrences in Quebec.
Although natural hydrogen has been observed sporadically since the early 20th century, it was not until the late 2010s that it attracted the attention of academia, government and industry.
The study identifies several geological mechanisms relevant to the province, such as mantle outgassing, radiolysis of water in the presence of radioactive rocks, and serpentinization of mafic rocks.
Sedimentary basins and crystalline basement rocks are also being examined as potential hydrogen reservoirs.
Current research is focusing on the conceptualization of a “hydrogen system” analogous to petroleum systems, although significant differences exist between these two resources, notably the possibility of continuous recharge of hydrogen reservoirs.

Section 2

The report by Séjourné, Comeau and Malo (2023) examines the geology of sedimentary basins in southern Quebec to identify potential source rocks for natural hydrogen.
Fourteen areas of interest were defined, divided into six geological categories: ophiolitic complexes, Monteregian intrusions, crustal fracture corridors, Utica shale, Grenvillian basement, and mafic intrusions.
These areas, located mainly in southwestern Quebec, the Lower St. Lawrence and the Gaspé Peninsula, were evaluated according to geological criteria, global analogues, hydrogen reservoir potential and proximity to end-users.
The Montérégie intrusions and ophiolitic complexes stood out as the most promising for natural hydrogen exploration.

Section 3

The report by Séjourné, Comeau and Malo (2023) reviews the geology of the Canadian Shield of Quebec to identify potential source rocks for natural hydrogen, selecting 17 areas of interest north of the St. Lawrence River.
These areas fall into four categories: sedimentary basins, gold mines, kimberlites and alkaline intrusions.
Among these, the Mistassini and Otish basins, as well as the gold mines in the Abitibi fault zones, stand out as particularly promising.
The report stresses that current data, while revealing, require further field data collection to confirm the presence of natural hydrogen.

Section 4

The report assesses the potential of geophysical methods for the detection of natural hydrogen in Quebec, highlighting the oxidation of ferrous iron by hydrothermal processes as the main origin.
Analyses suggest that magnetic field, heat flux and high-resolution gamma-ray spectrometry measurements should be used to identify anomalies at the sites studied.
Magnetotelluric and electromagnetic measurements may also be considered to target deep faults and FeS-rich conductors.
Although geophysical survey coverage is mainly private and limited in extent, public projects largely cover areas of interest.
Seismic data are also useful for interpreting subsurface geometry and identifying potential hydrogen reservoirs.
Finally, surface depressions linked to hydrogen emanations can be detected using relief and satellite imagery, particularly with the LIDAR data available south of the 52nd parallel.

Section 5

Geochemical methods, complementary to geological and geophysical approaches, enable us to better assess the natural hydrogen potential of a region by analyzing the gases present in the soil or the geochemical properties of groundwater.
In southern Quebec, particularly in the St. Lawrence Lowlands, this approach is promising due to the density of groundwater data and the understanding of faults at depth.
Analysis of hydrogeochemical databases has identified three areas where deep fluids could rise to the surface via permeable faults: near the Jacques-Cartier River Fault, the Aston Fault and Logan Line, and south of Montreal.
Once these zones have been identified, direct geochemical investigations, such as near-surface gas sampling, are used to confirm the presence of natural hydrogen.
Sampling methods, adapted to the local context, generally consist of probes inserted into the ground, with in situ or laboratory analysis of the gases collected.